This post is part of a continuing series about the many and varied paper types that are available. Today we look at Bond paper one of the most common types of paper around the office.
So what is Bond paper?
Simply put, bond is most often the regular lightweight paper we see around the office. It is an uncoated stock that is used for writing, drawing, and of course printing things like letterhead and business documents. Its name comes from its use as a paper for government and legal documents such as (you guessed it) government bonds. Today, bond paper is often found in the average copier and printer.
Bond paper is traditionally considered a strong and durable paper, but this doesn’t necessarily mean it is a thick paper. Often bond is sold in weights of 16, 20, 24, and 32 pounds. 20 is what you may imagine as ‘normal’ copy paper weight, 16 is a thinner sheet and 32lbs. somewhat heavier. But bond isn’t ever as thick as a cover stock type of paper.
So what makes bond paper different from ordinary cheap copy paper?
Well, in many instances nothing. The word bond is not always a distinct class of papers. Often the word is used for marketing purposes and an exact definition is hard to clarify. Many stocks sold as bond are just basic copy papers. Good papers, but nothing too fancy.
However, some bond papers are sold as ‘writing grade’ and these are a little different. They are a higher class of paper that includes rag fiber such as cotton in its content. This is opposed to a cheaper paper that is made only with wood pulp.The fibers used in this paper are usually shorter and this gives the paper a softer feel and helps it accept ink more readily. Writing bond paper is often used for a company’s stationery.
Also these ‘writing’ bond papers include a watermark in the sheet. This water mark should always be placed so as it can be read in the same direction as any print or writing put on the page. A good example of this type of bond paper is Neenah’s Capitol Bond.
So what to make of all this?
Probably not too much. If you are looking for a quality paper, its best to focus on things like weight and brightness. If you are working on a specific project, get out and feel a lot of different papers. The choices are endless.
Of course, we’d love to help you find a great paper for your project, so if you have questions or would like to see some papers, feel free to stop by the shop.
cutpasteandprint Printing, graphic design, binding, and promotional product specialists in Huntingdon Valley, PA. We proudly serve the Bucks and Montgomery County areas with superior quality, great customer service, and a commitment to getting you and your the best possible printed materials. Our services include: Digital Printing, Offset Printing, Graphic Design, Promotional Items, Bindery, and Copying.
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