Folding can be a key part of a printed project. This can be as simple as folding a letter to be stuffed in an envelope. It can also be as complicated as a multi-page double parallel fold. There are more possibilities than you might imagine when it comes to folding your print project.
When you are creating a print project that includes folding there are a lot of options and variables to consider. This can include everything from the design of the folds, to the paper you use, to how you set up a design on your computer.
Of course our standard disclaimer is that every print job is different and has its own details to be worked out. Depending on what you want to do, it’s always best to come in and talk over a project from the very beginning.
That said, we’ll take a few minutes here to discuss a few of the more important points.
Key Points about Folding
Paper weights matter
Generally speaking, the thicker a paper the more variables and issues you may face. Heavier papers may also make scoring a paper necessary. Not doing so could lead to cracks and ripples in a paper. When a paper exceeds 12 points in thickness, even more care and planning will be needed to help avoid ripples or waviness in the final product.
Consider coverage
In the printing world the word coverage means the amount of ink on a page. Text has low coverage, while an area with a large solid graphic would have heavy coverage. Why is this important? Some inks have a tendency to be brittle. An area with heavy coverage can be most brittle and problematic. When folded it could crack and expose paper fibers. Not a good look.
This is even more important when folding something that has been printed digitally. Dry toner is notoriously brittle. Special care must be taken when it is folded.
Also, remember that folding can’t be started until the ink on a project is dry. An area with heavy coverage will take more time to dry before it can be folded. This will need to be factored in to your timing for a project.
Consider paper grain direction
Paper grain can be a vital part of the equation when designing something to be folded. Folding with the grain of a paper reduces cracking and rippling in a fold. With some papers it can also eliminate the need for scoring or creasing. That not only saves potential headaches but can save time and money.
Plan your text for folding
Unfortunately we’ve seen one too many instances of a fantastic brochure design that forgets one element – where the paper folds. If you are designing something that will be folded remember to include a bit of space around all of your text. An eighth of an inch is a good rule of thumb. This will allow some flexibility in case a machine slips the tiniest of fractions during folding. And of course it insures that important text will be seen and readable.
Always make a dummy
Perhaps most important point is to always create a dummy of any complicated folding project. It sounds simple. You may even think it doesn’t need to be said, but it is a vital part of the process. A dummy allows you to see and feel what a final piece will look like. A dummy can help stop countless potential errors and insure you know what you are going to get.
Don’t be afraid to take risks
We’ve mentioned a lot of potential problems and ways of preventing them in this post. But as a printer and print finisher it’s our job to guide you through all of that. As a designer and creator of a print project we encourage you to take risks with the folds in your project.
Folding in print design can bring real delight to a finished product. That can be the case with something as simple as a business card or a brochure, and definitely in the case of a more sophisticated booklet or design. Don’t be afraid to try something with folding.
We will certainly be excited for the challenge.
cutpasteandprint Printing, graphic design, binding, and promotional product specialists in Huntingdon Valley, PA. We proudly serve the Bucks and Montgomery County areas with superior quality, great customer service, and a commitment to getting you and your the best possible printed materials. Our services include: Digital Printing, Offset Printing, Graphic Design, Promotional Items, Bindery, and Copying.
estimating@cutpasteandprint.com • 215.364.3898