There are so many great resources for print design out on the web. We want to start sharing some of our favorites right here. So each week we will be posting some links that have more information about print design and printing, as well as links that share our enthusiasm for living and working…

imposition 4 Up

  Its very common for printers to use an expression like 4-up, 8-up 0r 10-up. Despite it being as hot as it has been in Southeast Pennsylvania the past few days, these are not references to cans of soda. They are actually all expressions to describe the imposition of a project onto a page for…


  Around here we love all the numerous choices and possibilities available in paper. We love all the different textures, weights, colors and uses associated with each paper and eagerly suck up information related to them. In short, we are a bunch of paper geeks.   Two words you will often hear associated with paper…

Pantone Colors

      Imagine a large stationery project for a new business venture. Business cards, Letterhead, labels and multiple envelopes all carefully thought out and designed. You worked hard to choose the layout, fonts and the one color that best represents what your business is about. You are starting with a small order, but you…


    Look at a piece of wood and you immediately realize that it has a grain, and the long thin lines of the grain are all headed in one direction. But did you  know there is a paper grain in a sheet of paper? Its true, just like wood, every sheet of paper you…

  The presses are full, and our pressmen arrived early this morning to get things rolling.

page and sheet examples

Is this a sheet of paper or is it a page of paper? What’s the difference? One issue that we often encounter at the shop is confusion between a sheet and a page. This makes a big difference when you are setting up a booklet or pamphlet to be printed and bound. A sheet is…

  A busy day at the shop this afternoon. We are printing tons of envelopes for one of our favorite customers.

offset printing

When you are having something printed for yourself or your business, such as your letterhead or business cards, you will no doubt have an idea in your mind of how that should look as a finished product. And as with any creative print project, the options are numerous. One thing you will encounter initially is…

    We hope everyone has a great holiday and enjoys time with there family and friends. We will be closed on Monday but back at it Tuesday at 8AM. We will also be starting our summer hours – 8AM to 4:30 M-F.

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