PDF Tool

There are many PDF tools out there, and everyone has their own preferences and opinions. This list shows a few of ours, but it is by no means an exhaustive study of what is available or an endorsement of which is best.

downloadable printing template sample

Need help setting up your print project? Want to make sure your design is ready for our prepress and print teams? We’re now providing a few basic templates to help get your files ready. As we continue our work to help provide you with quality printed materials easier and easier, we have introduced a few…

Print portal sample log on screen cutpasteandprint

    Is printing for your business a drag? Are you constantly shuffling between designers and printers to coordinate your printing? Looking for a better, simpler way to get all your printed materials and stationery in one easy place? Then a private print portal might be the right choice for you.   In many respects…

trimming paper

  At cutpasteandprint we are primarily printers, it’s the main focus of what we do. But it isn’t all we do. We have a team of fantastic designers and pre-press operators that help get your work designed and ready to print. We also have a great print finishing team. While often overlooked, what they do…

digital printing press

It has been a busy summer for us at cutpasteandprint. If you’ve stopped in to our shop lately you would immediately know that something is up. We have been moving things around, re-organizing, and re-arranging our floor in order to get our shop in shape for some new digital printing and web endeavors. What kind…

Print File Preparation for small business

Having a plan and a process in place to communicate with your print provider is an essential element in ensuring you get the results you want. Today we present a few quick tips to help prepare a file for printing. By the time you’ve finished your print design and gotten a go-ahead for printing, you…

Business Card Mistake

Even in the age of Twitter, LinkedIn, and other digital networking tools, the business card remains one of the most important tools for getting your information to your client.  Business cards are a very direct way to express the passion, care, and consideration you have for your  business. Considering the role that business cards can…

Various envelopes for printing

Choosing envelopes can be a surprisingly daunting process. There are a number of options available including color, paper, and size. There are also things you may not even have thought about such as flap and seam styles and how an envelope opens. Today we take a brief look at 5 flap styles and what they…

Paper Choices

Paper is an idea, not just a package. When you select a paper you are choosing a voice that will communicate to your customers and audience. So what is it saying? Everyone seems to know that they want a nice heavy paper for their business card – something weighty and solid with nice texture. And…

Printing Laser Safe Letterhead

At first glance the term laser-safe might sound like it was lifted from the script of the new Star Wars movies. In the world of print and stationery,however, it is an important technical term that could mean the difference between having beautiful letterhead, or an expensive mess on your hands.   Consider the following scenario….

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